14 March 2013

Illustrator Workshop

On Tuesday we were encouraged to develop our skills on Adobe Illustrator, I really relished this opportunity to develop my skills as they are somewhat lacking. First of all we had to do observational drawings that related to our project, I drew cogs and spokes as you would find these in modes of transport. 

This workshop has really helped me to refine my skills, and I will be able to come back and use Illustrator competently. With regards to my project I'd like to come back to Illustrator and use it again, I think it will really help me to develop my ideas, and is another great resource to have in my sketchbook. 

I really find the way that Illustrator has given this image a hand drawn look appealing. It isn't my best drawing to date, but as it was a trial on software I am unfamiliar with I think that it has come out quite well. 

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